Isnin, 30 Mac 2009

birth month means..~

apabila rakan sekerja anda memberikan anda ini..
adakah anda berbesar hati..?
adakah anda menidakkan mana yang betul..??
adakah anda perasan sendirik..??
lu pikir la sendiri!
* * * * * * * * * * *
* Has a lot of ideas
* Difficult to fathom
* Thinks forward
* Unique and brilliant
* Extraordinary ideas
* Sharp thinking
* Fine and strong clairvoyance
* Can become good doctors
* Careful and cautious
* Dynamic in personality
* Secretive
* Inquisitive
* Knows how to dig secrets
* Always thinking
* Less talkative but amiable
* Brave and generous
* Patient
* Stubborn and hard-hearted
* If there is a will, there is a way
* Determined
* Never give up
* Hardly become angry unless provoked
* Loves to be alone
* Thinks differently from others
* Sharp-minded
* Motivates oneself
* Does not appreciates praises
* High-spirited
* Well-built and tough
* Deep love
..deep LOVE??..DEFINETELY!!ahaha~

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